Massive Plaidish Quilt
Massive Plaidish Quilt
When I wrote up my Make Nine for 2021, I realised that I had never talked about my Massive Plaidish quilt which I finished yonks back. This quilt was for my bed, a king size. I wanted it to be big enough to flop over the edges and keep all the drafts out. Do you quilters all have quilts on your bed? I do. I employ a layering system with duvet, quilt and sometimes second quilt. As the seasons change the layers change too. I'm currently on the double quilt setting.
The pattern is a free download, the plaidish quilt from Kitchen Table Quilting. I made it entirely from stash which is massively satisfying. I increased the number of blocks and the quilt measures in at 83" square... that is 210cm. I LOVE it... it is super bright and vibrant. I love the plaidish look and I love all the fabrics. There are lots of Alison Glass bits and Lizzy House, and all sorts of other lovely familiar (to me) bits which is I guess what happens when you go scrappy from stash.
The back was a labour of love as I was determined to use stash for that too. It actually took ages to work out and piece... there is a fair bit of piecing in the back, but it was worth it. I almost love the back more than the front. It is made up of mainly linen cotton blends with some essex linen in there and a few bits of peppered cotton. I pieced it as I went with no real plan... a bit of improv there.
I quilted it in concentric circles in Aurifil 40wt 4093: Jade... such a vibrant colour and you guessed it, from stash!! Bound in a navy Moda Bella Solid.