Alice Woodcock
Speedy Jelly Roll Quilt, and a Class to Match!
Last week I finished a quilt. Astonishing I know! I completed the top for this ages ago, and even had the top hanging in the shop for a while last year. The idea was to demonstrate to customers two groovy things... 1) actually how much fabric you get on a jelly roll, and 2) how quickly and simply you can sew one together. And since then we also realised it would make a great class. So, if you would like to learn the basics of patchwork and sew an entire quilt top together in one 3 hour session then take a look at the class details here. Continue reading → -
We're Hiring! Work at Backstitch
Are you passionate about all things stitch? Are you fun, friendly, and super organised? We are looking to fill a position at our Burwash Manor shop. Come and join our team! We are advertising a Part Time Retail Assistant role. The job is two days per week, including at least one weekend day. The position is a fixed term contract... -
Cambridge 105 Radio Interview
Back in July when I went to work without a coat and could even leave my jumper out the back (as proven by this podcast) the lovely Mary-Ann from Cambridge 105 radio came and interviewed me about Backstitch. A podcast of this interview has just come to light which you can listen to here. I was obviously wittering on a... -
Black Friday / Massive Clearance Sale
Our massive annual clearance sale is now on! We have over 250 products on sale in all sections discounted up to 40%. Shop SALE FABRIC, SALE PATTERNS, SALE YARN, SALE KITS and SALE HABERDASHERY. Continue reading →