Alice Woodcock
A Month In Snapshot: February 2015
Yesterday it suddenly dawned on me that we had got through February... Hooray! I find the hardest months February and April... it's all weather related: February is cold and April is rainy. So, as far as I'm concerned, it is officially spring and we now deserve some milder days with glimpses of young tender shoots peaking up. Continue reading → -
Amy Butler Voilette
Back in the day, when I first started Backstitch some of my first collections were Amy Butler collections. I stocked the best of Midwest Modern and Daisy Chain. But since then I've not been compelled to buy into any of her releases... until now! Continue reading → -
From Where I Sew: Flossie Teacakes
We're starting a new series here on the Backstitch blog. The series is called 'From Where I Sew' and interviews our favourite sewing peeps. We take a look at their sewing space, their history and their motivations. I'm really pleased that Florence from the super UK blog Flossie Teacakes has agreed to be our first subject... Let's see what Florence has to say! Continue reading → -
New Dressmaking Fabrics
Ten days ago we had a mega delivery of dressmaking fabrics. It's always super-duper exciting when this happens. Lily was working in the shop when it all arrived and said she had a lovely day unwrapping all the parcels, revealing their contents. Want to know which was Lily's favourite? Continue reading →