Alice Woodcock
Clearance Ex Display Patterns - Round 2!
We've just released the second round of our clearance ex-display patterns which include Victory Patterns and Sewaholic Patterns. The styles we have on 30% clearance are shown below along with instructions on how to buy them. Continue reading → -
Christmas Gifts for Stitchers
Are you all prepared and happy with your gifts all bought, made and wrapped up already? Or are you like me and still scrabbling around for ideas and inspiration? We thought we'd share our top gift picks from Backstitch. Are you ready?! Continue reading → -
A Call for Knit and Crochet Tutors
Those of you who pop into the Burwash Manor shop and those who follow us on social media will probably already know that we are making the move into yarn based stitch crafts as well as fabric crafts. So, that means knitting and crochet... Hooray! All of our knit and crochet haberdashery is arriving in the shop today (and online... -
Focus on... Zips
A week ago we had a very exciting delivery at Backstitch in Cambridge: Our two new zip cabinets! I am nervous to admit to the excitement regarding zips for fear of being labelled a total nerd. But then maybe I should just embrace the fact that I am now, quite clearly, a haberdashery weirdo. Since opening the shop we have...