Alice Woodcock
Learn to Knit and Crochet in our Cambridge Shop
Today I would like to tell you about our new knitting and crochet classes that we are running in our Burwash Manor shop just outside Cambridge. We've got four new classes: Two Crochet and Two Knitting. Beginners Knitting Workshop: This workshop is designed to guide beginners through their first knitting adventures! It is a mixed ability class where each student... -
Knitting and Crochet Yarn Comes to Backstitch
Yes, you heard it right, yarn for knitting and crochet has now landed at Backstitch! It has been long awaited, this move into all things woolly, and we are so pleased to announce our opening selection of yarn, along with associated haberdashery and classes (more on classes later!) Continue reading → -
Massive Pattern Clearance: 40% Off
We're having a bit of a clear out here at Backstitch. We have always prided ourselves on our selection of independent patterns and have always strived to have a comprehensive selection. However, after 6 years of trading and with almost 500 different styles and more and more coming out all the time, we have decided to start discontinuing some. Continue reading → -
Service Announcement: Christmas Closing and Posting
Hello All. We're winding up for the holidays here at Backstitch. We hope you all are too. Before we go, we'd like to wish you all a restful and happy break, and thank you so much for your custom this last year. Below you will find our posting and opening hours: Burwash Manor Shop Opening Hours: Thu 24th Dec: 10...