5379: Loaf Stitch Cardigan & Sweater
in Sirdar DK
This sweet cardigan and sweater set features a pleasing loaf stitch with bobbles on the body and cuffs.
Knitting level: Intermediate
Yarn Requirements:
Sizes 0-3m, 3-6m, 6-9m: 3 balls // Sizes: 9-12m, 12-18m: 4 balls // 18-24m: 5 balls
Sizes 0-3m, 3-6m, 6-9m: 3 balls // Sizes: 9-12m, 12-18m: 4 balls // 18-24m: 6 balls
About the Yarn:
Whilst designed for Sirdar Snuggly Cotton, any Sirdar DK yarn can be used to make these lovely knits. However we recommend using Sirdar Cotton DK for a summer knit to keep your little one cool in the warmer weather.
Yarn Weight: DK // Length: 220m / 240yds // Ball Weight: 100g // Needle Size: 4mm // Tension: 22 stitches and 28 rows per 10cm square
Quantity Available: 1